Travel Program FAQs
Need More Information?
Thank you for your interest in our Sankofa Travel program. Please read the below FAQs for any questions concerning our travel program.
When you are ready to apply, visit the Application page.

Cape Coast Castle, Ghana
How old do I need to be to join the Sankofa Travel program?
You must be 15, 16, or 17 years old to join the program.
Is there a cost to be in the Sankofa Travel program?
Thanks to our generous donors and sponsors, the Sankofa Travel program is 100% free.
What if I’m 17 years old and turning 18 this year?
If you are 17 years old and turning 18 during the program cycle, you are still eligible to be in the program.
Does my household annual income of $55k or less need to be gross or net?
The household in which you reside must have a total gross annual income of $55k or less to be eligible for this program.
What if my parents don’t work but receive assistance from the government?
If your parent or guardian is not working but receives assistance from the government, you are still eligible to join the program. You will need to show proof of income.
What if I (the applicant) have a job?
If you are 15 to 17 years old and working, you are still eligible to join the program. Your household total income, including yours, should be $55k and under annually.
What if my grades are below a B average?
If your grades are below a B average, we may make an exception depending on your essay and the referral letter written on your behalf. We will also require that your grades improve during the program and be brought up to a B average to be eligible for the international trip.
What kind of community leader can write me a reference letter?
A community leader may consist of your clergy leader, government official, employer, or a community activist.
Why do I need to write a two-page essay to be in the program?
A two-page essay is required because it is our opportunity to learn more about you. We also consider your essay when deciding who will be selected to join our Sankofa Travel program.
What if I have traveled internationally before?
If you have traveled internationally before, you are not eligible to participate in this program.
What if I am not a US citizen?
If you are not a United States citizen, you are not eligible to participate in this program.
Why do I need to commit to volunteering at a nonprofit?
We require all participants to volunteer at a nonprofit organization as a way of increasing work experience, giving back to your community, and as a form of non-monetary payment for the free travel experiences you will receive while participating in the Sankofa Travel Program.
How many hours do I need to volunteer to be in the program?
The number of volunteer hours will vary. We will notify you of this information before starting the program.
What if my parents or guardian won’t sign the agreement to join the program?
If your parents or guardian won’t sign the agreement to join the program, you will not be eligible to join. Since you are still considered a minor, you need permission.
Why do I need a school release form signed?
You need a school release form signed so that we have permission from your parents or guardian to obtain a copy of your grades.
How soon do I need to get medical clearance from my doctor to travel internationally?
You should try and get medical clearance to travel internationally from your doctor as soon as possible after admittance into the program. You will have a few months to obtain the document.
What types of documents do you need to prove my identity?
You may use a state ID or birth certificate to prove your identity. If you use a birth certificate, we will also need a school ID.
How will I obtain a passport to travel internationally?
Sankofa Bridge will obtain a passport on your behalf.
When will applications be accepted for the Sankofa Travel program?
Applications for the Sankofa Travel program will typically be accepted between November and December.
When will the Sankofa Travel program begin?
Normally, the Sankofa Travel program will begin in February and run through July. However, this year (2024) we will begin the program in May.
Who will be traveling with my child?
The founder of Sankofa Bridge, Coreen McCall, and her husband, Rev. Kevin McCall, will be accompanying the children on the majority of trips. One or both will be present on all international trips. Parents and guardians will have an opportunity to meet Rev. and Mrs. McCall during orientation before the program begins and anytime during the program.
How many international trips will we take?
We will take one international trip per program cycle.
Where will we travel internationally?
International destinations will vary per program cycle. Some of the destinations include Ghana, Egypt, Jamaica, Spain, etc.
How many days will we be traveling internationally?
An international trip will typically last 5 days, depending on where we travel. We will travel internationally during the summer while the children are out of school.
How many national trips will we take?
We will be taking approximately 5 national trips per program cycle. The number may vary.
Where will we travel nationally?
National destinations will vary per program cycle. Some of the destinations may include a Broadway show and dinner in NYC, Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre in NYC, Carnegie Hall in NYC, National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC, NY Association of Black, Hispanic, Puerto Rican and Asian Legislators Youth Summit in Albany, NY, Loiza in Puerto Rico, Music concert in NYC, Historical Sightseeing Tour in New Orleans, LA, etc.
How do I know that I have been selected to be in the program?
You will be notified via email of your acceptance into the program.
What are the next steps after being accepted into the Sankofa Travel program?
You will receive an email to attend a mandatory orientation workshop with your parent or guardian. At that workshop, you will be briefed on the program and all your questions will be answered.
How can I apply to join the Sankofa Travel program?
To apply to join the Sankofa Travel program, click on the button below.